Donate & Sponsor

Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. is a non-profit organization offering soccer opportunities for the children and youth of Saskatoon. You or your business can help make soccer affordable and accessible for more children and youth in need!
SYSI Time to Play Video - this 1 min video provides a great overview of youth soccer in Saskatoon!
CONTACT: If you are interested in donating or sponsorship opportunities please contact Amanda Probe, Executive Director, at or phone 306-975-3413.
If you wish to make a donation to the SYSI Athlete Fund which goes directly to fund eligible athletes who have maxed out other funding sources you may do so in the following ways:
Credit Card -
click hereE-transfer
executivedirector@saskatoonyouthsoccer.caMail or drop off cash or a cheque payable to
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. to 150 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK, S7S 1P5